Monday, March 7, 2011


What is drunk driving?:
Driving under the influence (driving while intoxicated, drunk driving, operating under the influence, drinking and driving, impaired driving) is the act of operating any motorized machinery after/during consuming alcohol or other drugs.

In 2008, drunk drivers in the United States caused 11,733 deaths. This number represents almost one-third of all traffic-related deaths that year. More than 1.4 million drivers were arrested in 2008 for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the United States, younger people are more likely than older ones to be involved in an alcohol-related crash. Among all drivers meeting the legal standard of drunk driving in 2008, some 34 percent were ages twenty-one to twenty-four years, while 31 percent were ages twenty-five to thirty-four, and 25 percent were ages thirty-five to forty-four.


  1. This is a very serious subject and I think the pictures you posted are a great way to show people what can actually happen to them if they drink and drive or are in a vehicle with a drunk driver.

  2. The pictures are great and people need to realize how serious drunk driving is. Also, it was interesting that 34 percent of drunk drivers arrested in 2008 were ages twenty-one to twenty-four years old.

  3. All of your statistics were really interesting! It was shocking to see how many people died because of drunk drivers.

  4. I found your blog to be very informative, and I wish people would get the point that there not invincible and by drunk driving there is always the possiblity you can harm yourself or even worse some inocennt driver out on the road. I thought that the statistics were really very informative and intresting to read about!
